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How to Help a Friend with Depression: 19 steps - wikiHow

How to Help a Friend with Depression

43 authors | 144 revisions | Last updated: October 24, 2012

David J, Versageek, HalfPint9135, TheKnowerOfStuff, Flickety, Twerty, Horses4Ever, Brandywine, Sondra C, Najaf, Rob S, Maluniu, Lillian May, Victoria, D rae, Gypsy1944, Katie, Shadowless, Tryme2, RockyRaccoon, Jack Herrick, Howcast12345, T. Nicolich, The_RAR_Factor, Harri, Max, BR, Samantha, Jordan, Firecycle, Dave Crosby, Alisonchains, Kirstie Younger, Sirens of Oakvale, Bee Chin Tan, A user of wikiHow since 8.7.2011, Lojjik Braughler, Teresa, Xkimari, June, Autum Rose, Estella the Farmer, Geekpug14

Depression. We've all heard of it. Most of us will come into contact with it at some point in our lives. Depression is a very difficult serious illness and miserable experience for someone to go through, and it's something that either you or someone you care about will have to deal with. However, it isn't just the victims who are impacted. What about their friends? Victims of depression need steady, supportive friends to rely on in their times of need. If you're the friend of a depression victim and are confused and don't know what to do or how to help them best, then worry no longer. This article is for you.

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Edit Steps

  1. 1
    Acknowledge. Tell the person suffering from depression that you've noticed that they seem down or depressed lately. (Unless they have already told you that they are suffering from depression.) If so, tell them that since you now know that they're sad that you want to help. This will be very re-assuring to them. Sometimes the depressed don't even feel like telling anyone because of the stigma associated with depression. Also, make them feel like they are needed. Talk to them when you are upset about something or when you want to vent. Trust them with things that you wouldn't tell just anyone else. This makes them feel very important to you. Depression lies to them and makes them feel like they aren't needed by anyone. This acknowledgment that you know how bad they feel may be the little "push" they need to start talking about it, and maybe even seek help.

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  • 2
    What not to do: Pretend like it is not there or that this is not a serious condition. This is debilitating for a person. They can't help it. This will make them feel like they are insignificant and that you don't even take their problem seriously.

  • 3
    Find out why your friend is depressed. Did they just have a bad break-up or did their parents get divorced? Or are they just simply mad or disappointed with life and the world? Ask them what you can do to help. Ask carefully and gently, and don't get upset if they're slow to tell you. Some people take longer than others to talk. If they do tell you a list of things you can do, then do them. Usually if they answer a question like this in full they absolutely genuinely need those things from you. What not to do is to ask that and they answer and not carry those things out. This will just send them back into a deeper state of their depression because once again, they have been let down. Especially since it would be by someone so close as their best friend, it could be very damaging.

  • 4
    What not to do: If they tell you why they are depressed, or why they think they are. (sometimes people don't even know what causes their symptoms.) Be sure to take those reasons seriously. Don't joke around with them. Do not bring them up in a light hearted conversation, because this can cause a wave of emotions associated with that topic, altering their mood for the worst. Do not bring up what they have told you in trust, in front of other people. This is very very damaging to the friendship and to the person.

  • 5
    Listen. Although you may think that the last thing your friend wants to do is talk to you about depression, you could be wrong. Sometimes a friend just needs someone to talk to. Actively listen to them without judging or giving advice. Depression is an issue that people sometimes feel they must hide, in order to maintain their usual life. Because people see it as a weakness or a cry for attention they feel like not telling anyone. This is wrong though, the depressed person would like nothing better than to feel happy again and be themselves. Either that or they are only just coming to terms with it, let alone the idea of letting other people in on it. However, from time to time, your friend may open up, or express the desire to talk to you. Sometimes they just want to vent. Don't start spitting out possible solutions until you know the full extent of the problem. A good listener can sometimes be vastly more helpful than someone who tries to offer solutions. When this happens, be understanding and kind and willing to listen. This means a lot to them. This also should mean a lot to you because they are trusting you with something so personal that's affecting them. Don't interrupt, don't try to convince them they're wrong, don't give advice and try not to react in horror. It can be difficult to hear about how terrible your friend feels, but remember that they're trusting you. Value this trust, don't break it and keep it close. Just be there to listen. That's the number 1 thing they need right now.

  • 6
    What not to do: Don't make jokes when they are talking to you. This makes them feel like you don't see their feelings as legitimate or serious. You may be trying to help by lightening the mood but it is not good for the depressed person. Do not tell them just to "Be happy." Or "Why can't you just be happy for once?" or "Lighten up." "Will you ever stop being like this?" "It's getting annoying." This will not encourage them at all. Once again this makes them feel like you aren't even listening and it makes them feel like their issues don't matter which could lead to them feeling like their whole self doesn't matter to you. Don't tell you friend to stop being depressed or be happier. This is out of their control. A depressed mind is the most sensitive mind. Remember that.

  • 7
    Try to understand. Every person's story is different, and so it is impossible to completely understand. Depression is a very complex and complicated disease. So it is ok for you not to understand where they are coming from. However, keeping an open mind and putting yourself in your friend's shoes can help you come closer to them. Once you've done your research on depression, you should know a lot more about the illness. Apply the symptoms and emotions to yourself, and contemplate how you would feel if this was happening to you. Call upon things your friend has done or told you, and try to understand why and what they mean. In times of need, having someone understand or try too, can be all the relief in the world.

  • 8
    What not to do. Don't tell your friend that life is still worth living and that this situation will improve and the sadness will get better. This trivializes their pain and will not help. Do not try to make them feel better by reminding them how much better their lives are than other people's. They know that and it makes them feel guilty about their condition because they feel like they should just be able to be grateful for life because they have it better than a lot of people yet they can't seem to do it. Don't ask them to "cheer up" or "snap out of it". People with depression aren't capable of just doing it so simply, so be sensitive to that. It'll only make them feel more guilty about their condition. NEVER tell them that their problems are stupid or that there is nothing to worry about. They'll stop talking. This can lead them to more suicidal tendencies.

  • 9
    Be There. Most importantly is to just be there for your friend. Be very genuine and don't lie to them. Don't tell them things and not truly mean it. Sometimes they can tell and this will hurt them greatly. This a time when they are their lowest point in life. Especially if they are a teen battling with depression. Because they are wasting away their most precious years, and this also makes them sad and guilty because they feel like they can't just enjoy their life. Things you can do to make them know that you are there is to obviously tell them that. You could say something like "I am here for you and whenever you feel like talking I'll always be willing to listen and to try & understand." Sometimes, the thing they need most is just a simple hug and a "I am here for you. Everything is going to be ok." Also let them know that you value their friendship and that you care about their life. The depression can cause them to feel worthless and not needed. They need to be re-assured that they matter to you and that you want to help them through this. Let them know that they aren't weak or worthless because they may feel like this because of society and it's view on this serious illness. If you honestly mean it and can do so with an open heart, offer to be there 24/7. Tell them that you welcome their phone calls at all hours. You will rarely, if ever, receive a middle of the night call. But a sincere offer sends a message of support that will be heard. If you see them in public places, make sure to say hi and notice them. Don't pretend like everything is ok though, always remember that. Ask them how they feel today and be sure to pay attention to them from time to time because they feel alienated from people when out in the world. Do these things because they feel completely alone and isolated. This is a major side effect of depression and causes lots of suicidal thoughts and tendencies, especially in teenagers. Hug them, hold their hand, physical contact is good for people that are suffering from depression. It makes them feel better and comforted, and safe, so do those things as often as you can. Tell them that you love them and care for them. Give them a shoulder to cry on. Be there.

  • 10
    What not to do: Don't say you will be there for them and then not be there. This will be very damaging to them. Because they have been let down once again. Also, do not ignore them. If they want to talk just to chat or want to talk heart-to-heart, respond! They feel like you don't care in the least when they get nothing from you. If you can't talk or are tired, say that. Don't ever leave them in the dark. This causes them to worry even more than they already are. And takes a toll on their insecurity. Don't do things half-heartedly. One of the main reasons people get depressed is because they seem to feel like they care too much or they love people too hard. And they get sad because they feel like they are the only ones being genuine. So do not do things in vain with them. It will damage them greatly.

  • 11
    Be patient. Because depression is heavy, slow moving and unpredictable, it can frustrate and even anger those who are trying to help. Remember that depression is a complex disorder, and try to understand that the depressed person is not herself or himself right now. If your friend doesn't seem to appreciate your efforts, or is pushing you away, don't walk off in a temper. Give them space or give them comfort if they need it, and be there for them, no matter how much they believe you don't need to be.

  • 12
    Don't push too hard. If it makes your friend feel worse to face up to their problems, do not force them to continue. Sometimes analyzing a person's past can make them feel worse about themselves and dredge up past traumas. In this case, focus on how they feel now and how they want to be in future, and forget whatever caused them to feel depressed. Leave it in the past until they are ready to either deal with it or let it go.Be gentle. Depression can be dark, confusing and angry, but it can also be tender, hurtful and full of sensitive tears. Don't yell or be rough-keep your voice and body language soft and don't force your friend into anything.

  • 13
    Stay in contact. Check in. Call them just to call them. Check up on them occasionally, esp. at night when the depression is at its worst. Text them occasionally just to say you are thinking about them and ask how they feel today. This means the world to them and makes them feel like they matter and re-assures them that you care and causes them to feel more at ease. Support them and ask what you can do to help, of course. When they have severe depression, often times they will confess to you that they sometimes want to just die. But they actually don't. Most of these happen while driving. So asking them a quick "Are you home and ok?" Will make them feel very cared for. You don't want to be that person finding out something terrible just because you aren't worrying about them. Maybe even give them a card or bring them lunch or take them to a movie. This means so much to someone who is depressed. You won't believe how it will uplift their mood. It makes them feel significant.

  • 14
    What not to do: Is ignore them or blow them off. If you can't do something tell them. And don't say you will do things and not do it. For example: "I will call you later tonight." and then not. or "I am going to get you something!" and then not. This makes them feel like you are just saying that in the moment and don't even bother to do it later.

  • 15
    Take care of yourself. You have to be mindful of yourself and your mind to in helping this friend. It can take a toll especially if they are very needy. If you need to take breaks then tell them that. Remember though, do not ignore them. Go have fun with other friends, and enjoy your life too. But you have to remember that depression is not them. Your friend will eventually come out of this, and become the person you've grown to love and have fun with. Just give them time and have patience.

  • 16
    It is ok to have fun! Not everything has to be so serious all the time, even with depression. Especially if they are already on medication. Sometimes they feel completely up to just doing anything and having mindless fun. Just be aware that their mood can alter for no reason, and do not get mad at them for it. They can't help it. Just be there for them if that happens.

  • 17
    Encourage your friend not to abuse drugs. People with depression can be much more vulnerable to the negative effects that occur when recreational drugs wear off. If your friend is taking antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication, encourage them not to make any changes without talking to their doctor or psychiatrist. Taking more than they were prescribed can be dangerous, and going off the medication suddenly may make them feel much worse. Avoid alcohol as well - nobody is going to conquer depression with a hangover.

  • 18
    Advise them to seek professional help. They may deny that they need it, or tell you that "it's okay" or they'll be "fine". If they react this way, stop pestering them about it for a while. Over time, the idea might grow on them. Depression is not something that goes away by itself after a while. This is probably the most difficult step. Be sensible. If you friend is sounding like they are harming themselves or are thinking of suicide, you need to alert somebody. Listen out for suicidal like comments when they are talking to you. Such as " I wish I were dead." or "I don't want to life anymore. I feel useless." These should be taken seriously.

  • 19
    Depression is complicated. This is a lot to take in. But if you use this as a tool to help your best friend in need, you will be surprised at how much little steps and things you can do for them will greatly affect their illness. When they make it out of their depression, they will be so grateful that you played a part in help guiding them out of it.

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    Edit Tips

    • Stress, anxiety and a long period of significant low mood can cause or worsen depression. If your friend is prone to any of these conditions, they must attempt to overcome them through stress management, positive thinking and any other therapies or techniques that may be effective.
    • People can and do recover from depression. Never lose sight of that, and without pushing it in the depressed person's face, make sure they remember it too.
    • Even if a person does not 100% recover from depression, as may be the case for severe sufferers, it is still possible to live a normal, productive and happy life as the sufferer gradually learns new coping mechanisms.
    • Don't press them too hard. Talk on their terms and only go as deep as they go. Otherwise they will just turn away from you.
    • Waiting for them to confront the problem with you can be hard; hint that you're there for them to make the process easier.
    • Keep them talking, talking helps but give them ways to work out their problems privately too, don't force them to be dependent on you.
    • Sometimes they just want to vent. Don't start spitting out possible solutions until you know the full extent of the problem. A good listener can sometimes be vastly more helpful than someone who tries to offer solutions.
    • If a person finds their thoughts and feelings too troubling to talk about, the best thing you can do to help them is to distract them; play a game, tell them a story, listen to some music, watch a film. There is no time limit to recovery and a depressed person does not have to confront all their darkest fears straight away. Take it steady, go at their speed. They may feel ready to open up to you at a later date.
    • If you honestly mean it and can do so with an open heart, offer to be there 24/7. Tell them that you welcome their phone calls at all hours. You will rarely, if ever, receive a middle of the night call. But a sincere offer sends a message of support that will be heard.
    • Try not to give them advice, try to just guide them.
    • A lot of times depressed people just want to be alone, so don't push. If you can, try to get them interested in going out with friends and doing things again. Even getting them to be happy again for a couple hours means there is still hope!
    • If a person has put their problems aside for even a moment, then for that moment they overcame their depression. Tell them this.
    • Remember that having a mental illness still carries a stigma in our society. So, before you discuss the depressed person's condition with a third party, ask their permission to do so. You want to help them, not make them subject to the gossip mill.
    • Do not try to make them feel better by reminding them how much better their lives are than other people's.
    • Be gentle. Depression can be dark, confusing and angry, but it can also be tender, hurtful and full of sensitive tears. Don't yell or be rough-keep your voice and body language soft and don't force your friend into anything.
    • Do things for your friend. Helping with work, distracting them or temporarily cheering them up, defending them from others...preventing and blocking everyday hassles does make a difference.
    • Make sure the people who need to know, know. Although your friend may be furious at you, parents need to know if their child is depressed. You may be their friend, but parents may be able to reach out and help in the ways you can't. In any case, they deserve to know. However, if the depression is triggered or made worse because of troubles, violence, or abuse at home, do not tell the parents. Instead, alert a teacher or some other form of authority.
    • Recovery can be hard work and it may take a while. It probably won't happen overnight, or even in a few days or weeks, depending on how severe the depression is and the trigger factors causing it, if any. It is possible to experience "blips" or temporary relapses on the road to recovery; this is normal, so be gently reassuring when it happens, and remind them how far they have come.
    • There are organisations set up to support people suffering from low moods and depression. "Venting" thoughts and feelings to these organisations can be very helpful.
    • If your friend is suffering badly, encourage them to see their doctor. Go with them if necessary. Encourage them to discuss their options with the doctor - counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy can be very helpful and are also effective at preventing sufferers from "relapsing" into depression after they have recovered.
    • If your friend is prescribed antidepressants, make sure they are aware that they can request other forms of therapy at the same time, for example counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, or dialectic behaviour therapy. Antidepressant medication can help to "muzzle" the depression, improving a sufferer's quality of life, but it won't make the problems go away. That's what talking therapy is for. However depression can be due to biological factors rather than life events and in these circumstances counselling can still provide strategies for coping but can be unhelpful and at worst damaging. Whatever your friend decides is best for him/her, respect that decision
    • Antidepressants and other forms of therapy such as counselling may actually make a person feel worse for a while. Medication can have many side-effects, and talking therapies may kick up problems and distressing feelings that have been long buried. It is totally normal for a person to find these things distressing; it should get easier as time goes by. Make sure your friend knows you are there for them if they need your support.
    • The Goldberg Depression Test is a helpful online test you can get your friend to take, and it will give them a good indication of how bad their depression is, and may help to convince them to see a professional.
    • When choosing a therapist, doctor, or any professional, it is vital to find someone who has had experience and has a good knowledge of depression and all treatment options, as well as a personality your friend is comfortable with. It will help to interview people on their approach, and not be afraid to change therapists or doctors if they do not seem up to scratch. People with depression need to be helped by people who have the knowledge, expertise and especially, a real desire to help, rather than treat them like a number or not really listen (which can have damaging effects).
    • Depression is still not a very thoroughly understood illness. SRRI medications only have 60-80% success rates. Depression can be a complex tangle of physical, emotional, mental, social, energetic and ultimately spiritual imbalances. Knowing all the treatments options is helpful. Alternative and holistic forms of therapy include: supplements and nutrition programmes (naturopaths or medical herbalists are often very knowledgeable about depression and how it can be treated), herbal medicine, ayurveda, acupuncture, energy healings, EFT (emotional freedom technique), EMDR. Also, things like meditation, yoga, light exercise, rest, doing things they like, prayer groups, gardening, animals and being in the sunlight can help.
    • Don't ask them to "cheer up" or "snap out of it". People with depression aren't capable of just doing it so simply, so be sensitive to that. It'll only make them feel guilty about their condition.

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    Edit Warnings

    • Depression is very serious. It often takes a professional to take care of it.
    • Never tell them that their problems are stupid or that there is nothing to worry about. They'll stop talking.
    • Many people with depression will turn down your offer of assistance. Don't take it personally.
    • Don't tell you friend to stop being depressed or be happier. This is out of their control.
    • If you believe your friend may be at risk of harming themselves or others, take them to their doctor or a drop-in accident and emergency center.
    • Self-harm could be the precursor to thoughts of suicide, so watch them closely and continue to provide gentle encouragement and reassurance. However, self-harming does not definitely mean that a person will become suicidal, it usually indicates that a person has significant personal problems and may simply be a cry for help.
    • If your friend does any of the following things, you should call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for referrals [1-800-273-TALK(8255)] or seek immediate help.
      • Talks about "wanting to die," or "wishing it was all over."
      • Begins stockpiling medication, buys guns or gets them out of safety lockers, or does anything else to make a suicide attempt easier.
      • Begins giving away possessions.
      • Writes notes to try to "tie things up," even if they are not explicitly talking about a potential attempt.
      • Begins abusing drugs or alcohol, or eating dramatically less.
    • Many suicide attempts happen when people begin to feel slightly better, rather than in their very deepest depression. When someone is at rock bottom they may not have enough energy to do anything; when their energy starts to return, that is when they may take action.

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    lots of good points in here i think. i have to remember them :) WW

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