The Dark Whispers Calendar

Wytchwhispers Schedule

Sunday, November 20, 2022

WW Slash Dress Gen 1 huds will not be revised

WW Slash Dress_On every Hud


Note: if the texture on the dress says Demo u can just use the texture hud to get rid of that by choosing another texture.

This pack contains:
1 dress
14 Gen1 Huds - 14 or 84 textures & 7 or 28 colors each Hud

This product fits the following bodies

Belleza - Freya,Isis,Venus
EVE - Pulpy,Slim
Slink - Hourglass,Original

28 colors on huds 11 - 14 not including textures



Products i made for A.I.F pets gen 2 & 1 huds

for use with all the A.I.F pets this is a bed essentially they sleep in it for comfort...

1 bed
1 Unlimited colors Gen 2 Hud

To find out about the pets read their blog here. their artificially intelligent and dont require that you feed them. tho if u do they poo lol if they wont use the product properly u may need to make a prim that u turn invisible that sits on the product and fulfills their need,call it stool, comfort whichever is applicable.and place it were u want them to do it. the products should work without that but with the huds used for the furniture it can get tricky.

WW A.I.F Cat Tree V5 meditation,sleep - 4 MP (ADD)

for use with all the A.I.F pets this is a bed essentially they sleep in it for comfort...

1 cat tree n cushion for humans not unusual for cats to fall asleep on sleeping humans
1 Unlimited colors gen 2 Hud
Av sitter enabled 6 animations and "comfort" props

for use with all the A.I.F pets this is a bed essentially they sleep in it for comfort...

1 bed
14 Gen1 Huds - 14 or 84 textures & 7 or 28 colors each Hud

for use with all the A.I.F pets this is a litterbox essentially they deposit stool in it after eating...
 for use with all the A.I.F pets this is a bed essentially they sleep in it for comfort...

for use with all the A.I.F pets this is a litter box essentially they deposit stool in it after eating...

1 litter box
1 28 colors gen 1 Hud

WW A.I.F Pet Box - 4 MP (ADD)

for use with all the A.I.F pets this is a bed essentially they sleep in it for comfort...

WW Bellbottoms Gen 1 huds 14 of them

This product fits the following bodies

- Maitreya, Slink(Physics, Hourglass), Ocacin, Belleza(Venus, Isis, Freya),
it includes
pants and
14 Huds - 14 or 84 textures & 7 or 28 colors each Hud

By Wytchwhisper
Multifaceted Artist, Singer/Songwriter, Actress, Dancer, Machinimatographer, Figurative 2D Artist, 3D Clothing/ Object Designer, Advisor, Spiritually Enlightened Wiccan and Comedic Deviant


WW Bellbottom Pants V ALL Huds from 11 to 14

WW Bellbottom Pants Hud V All HUDS